Her Beautiful Face
I had another Level 2 ultrasound yesterday to check on Molly’s growth. I can feel Molly moving around like crazy most of every the day and a good portion of every night but seeing her on the ultrasound is nothing short of amazing. She was kicking and moving like crazy, really making the sonographer work to get the measurements and photos she needed. I am 27 weeks this week and Molly is currently measuring around 24 weeks and in the 3rd % - so pretty tiny. She does not even weigh 2 pounds yet which the specialist said is to be expected due to the fact that some of the critical parts of her brain did not develop and they contribute to growth significantly.
A huge praise is that she is head down which I am so thankful for as it significantly lowers the chances of having to have a c section when she arrives. Another huge praise is we were able to get a 3D photo of her face. I have been explaining to our kids that Molly would look different as she was created differently that each of us. Having a photo to be able to show some of the differences in her face is a huge source of peace for me.
Our next check up in a couple weeks will be for an echocardiogram on Molly’s heart as we have a history of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (the thickening of the walls of the heart). Our doctors want to make sure we don’t have any other variables that could dampen her survival odds or make delivery more stressful that it needs to be.
Check out the video of just how much she is constantly moving. She stops moving anytime someone tries to feel her kicks and wiggles. Beckett keeps trying to feel her, but she’s a little stinker and stops every time!
Moving forward, we are asking for prayers as we did decide to get further genetic testing done. Neither of us feel anxious about these tests but would love for you to join us in prayer that Molly’s genetic make-up would not make life outside the womb even harder. We should hear back in the next several weeks that results from those tests.