Our Beautiful Daughter is Here!

On Monday, I came down to the U of M for my regular 2x a weekly Non-Stress Test and Biophysical Profile ultrasound and an OB check. The appointments were all going well until my OB appointment. My BP was fairly elevated and the doctor just did not feel comfortable sending me home since we live about 30 minutes away. Instead, I was sent up to Labor & Delivery to monitor and make sure Molly was handling everything ok as well as run a few tests and get some blood work done.

We quickly realized realized that after being monitored for 3.5 hours, I was actually in preterm labor with regular contractions and was progressing along. The OB decided it would be best to admit us so that they could watch over me and Molly overnight.

I continued to progress throughout the night and into the afternoon and despite a close call that almost sent us to an emergency c-section, Miss Molly handled labor very very well. A huge answer to prayer!

We were thrilled to meet Molly Mae at 2:08pm on Tuesday, July 6th. She weighed in at 3lbs 12 oz and is 17.3 inches long.


After she was born and set up on my chest, she wasn’t breathing very well on her own so the NICU team stepped in to help intubate her and get her some oxygen. She was quickly stabilized in the NICU and very comfortable.

As of today, she is still stable. We have had over 24 hours so far of loving, holding and just spending time with our beautiful daughter. She is an amazingly strong little girl who has such surprised us! We had the chance to introduce all 4 kids to her as well as my parents and Jay’s parents, something we dreamed of happening!

We do not know how long we get to spend with her and will see how she handles things over the next couple of days. We will continue to keep you updated as much as we can.


⁃ Safe & fast natural delivery!

⁃ Molly’s strong heartbeat & ability to live outside the womb

⁃ Molly getting to meet her siblings and grandparents.

⁃ Amazing nurses and doctors - we have said so many times over how thankful we are for everyone involved in our story.


⁃ Wisdom for Jay and I and our care team as we continue to navigate the best path for Molly

⁃ We would love to see her be able to wean off the ventilator

⁃ My blood pressure to stabilize. It has still been a bit high which can be contributed to Molly’s growth restrictions in utero. We’re hoping it comes down and resolves itself without medication but will be staying at least 1 more night to make sure.


⁃ We aren’t sure about how to directly help us out right now, we were hoping to have a few things figured out before we were induced next Wednesday. Right now, we are focusing on loving on Molly and figuring out her needs.


She is in Jesus’ Arms


Molly Mae is coming!