Postpartum Totally Sucks

Postpartum is hard. I absolutely hate it. The pressure to be smaller, the awkwardness of clothes not really fitting, the hormones- the awful hormones. Postpartum is hard.

This photo was taken a couple weeks before the twins joined our outside family. I felt huge (although seeing my belly in a photo makes me realize just how big I was!), so uncomfortable and couldn’t wait for them to get here.

A couple weeks later, I got to hold my babes, kiss their soft cheeks and whisper words of welcome.

I’m amazed at the journey my body has gone through. Since 2013, I was pregnant for 224 months or almost 4.5 years. I nursed babies for a combined 39 months and am still going strong for the twins. I’ve learned so much since we began our journey in 2013 and learned how much I just don’t know, and I’m okay with that.

As hard as postpartum is, I have learned to focus more on how I can appreciate all that my body has done. It tells a beautiful story of our wonderful family and I’m so glad I snapped this photo as a reminder that I grew not one but two sweet babies to complete our crew.

Recovery this time has been painful and incredibly slow, but when you add up all the years of growing babies- I think I have plenty of time to heal and recover.


Mama, Slow Down

