Springtime Makes Me Think of Noah

It’s been fairly warm the last couple of days as the seasons are beginning to shift and change is right around the corner. The frigid temperatures are finally starting to warm up a little bit and the sun actually feels warm when it hits my skin. 

I was driving tonight, and, as I looked out past one of the familiar places that I go by all the time, I realized that I was able to see more of the landscape than I have seen in a quite a few months. Pieces of dirt were poking through the snow, little bit of grass are starting peak through and be seen on the hillside.

And it struck me, I wonder what Noah felt like? I wonder what it felt like when the bird finally brought back a fresh bough from a tree. Or when the water began to recede, and they began to see little bits of land here and there .

After seeing nothing but rain for 40 days and 40 nights and then seeing nothing but water for about a year, I can’t fathom how it would be to see any signs of God’s promises. I can’t imagine what it would be like to see the promises of God, come to fruition in the form of solid ground. 

I wonder how often we pray for things, plead with God for a different season or for change, for him to take away different burdens that we carry. Our God is a loving God, one who does not wish hurt, or loss or pain upon any of his children. Yes, we live in a fallen world so when these difficult seasons in burdens are a part of our lives, he hurts with us. We assume that these difficult seasons are because of God, not the world we live in. In that assumption, it’s easy to miss how much God is still with us- every step of the way.

I wonder if there are times, when we miss the little glimpses or promises that he is still with us. Noah saw them, but he was expectantly looking for them. How often do we miss them because we are not looking? How often do we get caught up in looking at all of the yuck and difficult things around us that we forget to be we expectantly looking for God? Are we looking expectantly for God to work , and show up regardless of our circumstances? Or are we waiting for our circumstances to change and then we thank God?

I noticed small pieces of dirt coming up through the snow because I was looking for it. I’m waiting expectantly for spring. I long for warmer weather, bare feet and the sound of birds. But how often do I look for God to be working in my life? How often do I walk through my day, expectantly waiting for him in the conversations with my kids? With friends? Doing the dishes or folding laundry? Having a conversation with a co-worker or my husband?

It could be something small, like a simple text from a friend- just checking in to see how you are. It could be something big, like a bonus at work, or a gift from a friend that arrived at a timely manner. It could be something around us, that requires us to actually notice what’s going on like a beautiful sunrise, or the sound of birds coming back to life in the yard. it could be something moving within your heart, where you feel the peace of God, even though your circumstances are filled with angst and anxiety.

As the snow continues to melt, and the seasons continue to change, and the world around me, begins to come back to life with green and birds chirping, and all things alive – I want to look for God. I want to look for God in so many ways, whether it’s in relationships, or when I am praying and talking with him, or when I am parenting or when I am running errands and meet someone new.


I would’ve never dream of this 2 years ago


And Just Like That, School is in Session!