1 Week Later
“Every single person is inimitable as they are a reflection of who created them”
It has been a full week since we learned of Molly’s future. To say our worlds were rocked, would be an understatement. I could go into depth about our feelings about being overwhelmed, grieving for what she may never know, doubting how this is even possible after 4 very healthy babies, and the list could go on and on. I could go into that, yet there is so much more to see in the bigger picture. There is so much more to focus on as we step into this journey.
We’re choosing to focus on the power of prayer.
We shared our difficult news with family and friends right away. Hundreds of texts and messages were shared as our hard news was passed on to many people. We knew going into the Level 2 Ultrasound on Friday that we probably had a couple hundred people praying for us, lifting us up and interceding for us when we were just too overwhelmed to do so on our own. Later, we figured the number was probably closer to 300 people, which is staggering to think about. Some people we’ve never met. People that will probably never get to meet Molly in person. Yet each person praying for us helped us in a way that we absolutely needed to get through that day.
We’re choosing to focus on the power of peace.
As Jay and I drove to the ultrasound, we both felt such an overwhelming sense of peace. We knew the news we were going to hear was most likely not going to be easy and had prepared ourselves for the worst case scenario. It was hard to even put into words how our hearts were able to rest, anxiety was low and a calmness accompanied us through that appointment. None of that would have been possible without the hope of Christ, the Holy Spirit walking with us through every step of the last week.
We’re choosing to focus on the power of community.
So many messages, texts, emails, phone calls, hugs and meals have reminded us of how important community is. I believe people are made to do life together, especially in times of crisis or difficulty. We are called to love and support one another not just when things are good and smooth, but when things get a bit bumpy or unexpected. We are so thankful that as we lean into the people in our lives that they stand with us and help hold us in so many different ways.
We’re choosing to focus on the power of life.
We believe the value of life is not determined by someone’s external appearance, their ability to contribute to society or the ease at which they enter the world. We believe that life is valued because God created each and every person to reflect an amazing part of himself. Every single person is inimitable as they are a reflection of who created them. Molly is a beautiful little person who might look different, might act different and her life span may not be as long as others. Yet, we value and cherish beyond measure simply because of who created her.
All of this is not to say it has not been a hard week. I had shed so many tears, had so many questions and have utterly exhausted. BUT the fact that we are not in this alone helps the burden of the journey ahead so much easier to bear.