Storms clouds
These are dark scary storms clouds that are probably going to bring thunder, lightening in and soaking rain later today to different parts of Minnesota. They are building momentum as a cold front moves in and collides with the warm air we had here yesterday, making for a great atmosphere for storms. But they’re scary storm clouds, yet when the sun shines on them, something different is revealed, something beautiful, something awe inspiring.
This past weekend was a hard one, filled with grief and a very heavy heart. The waves of grief ebb and flow with little warning and this past weekend, I felt grief ebbing into every aspect of our lives. Yet as I wake up this morning with a renew sense of peace and hope, I was greet by these beautiful clouds- these beautiful storms clouds that were illuminated by the bright morning sunshine. I could see the different layers as the wind whipped them into beautiful formations. I could see so many colors of blush, turquoise, charcoal grey and orange. I could see things that I wouldn’t have been able to see if it weren’t for the sun.
My grief this weekend feels like a dark storm cloud that hung over my heavy heart all weekend. But this morning, when I woke up, the golden sunshine hit it in a way that changes my perspective. The storm doesn’t cease, I simply appreciate its beauty and the place it has in my heart. I’ve learned so much about God, his hope, his peace and his all-encompassing love in the past 2 months. I’ve learned so much about myself, my resilience, my deep love for my family, my love for my community. I’ve learned so many things about being a parent, a friend, a sister. I wish desperately that Molly hadn’t died, yet through her death, through this storm, I am leaning into the dark wild beauty of these storms clouds. I’m leaning into finding my purpose through this storm. The storm doesn’t cease to exist, but neither does God and through that hope and gold sunshine, I am finding the beauty of this storm.